Banner with orange and blue SVM logo

About the Swim Club

We are a competitive swim club based in Morgan Hill, CA, coaching swimmers between the ages of 5 to 18 years of age.

The mission of South Valley Makos Swim Club is to teach perseverance, excellence, cooperation and determination through the sport of swimming; in a safe, fun and competitive environment.

We are a non-profit, board-run swim club.  This allows swimmers in the area access to a team, coach and infrastructure for swimmers of different abilities.  We coach, train and support our athletes to help them achieve personal goals in swimming.

South Valley Makos Swim Club Bylaws can be found here.

We hope you can find all the information you need on our site and are ready to answer your questions if you need to contact us directly.

If you would like your child to tryout for the South Valley Makos Swim Club, please follow the below process: